
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Negotiating Expectations in Marriage

Expectations are the specific beliefs that you have brought into your marriage about the way things will or should be. In general, if your expectations are met then you are happy. If not, you experience disappointment and frustration. Therefore, understanding and learning to negotiate your expectations is a key factor in your marital success.

By rogerkallen

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Late Again–How do I Respond?

Late Again–How do I Respond?

Stood Up A number of weeks ago my wife and I arranged a meeting with the president of the local religious congregation we are serving. We were to meet at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon to plan some upcoming meetings with his presidency and other leaders of the congregation. My wife and I arrived at […]

By rogerkallen

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Non-Defensive Listening in the Middle of Conflict

Non-Defensive Listening in the Middle of Conflict

Although our “key moments” are difficult to face and handle, they bless our lives because they are the means by which we grow. They give us an opportunity to interrupt old patterns and act from a new set of principles. Here’s an example from The Hero’s Choice. Think about Hal’s interaction with Kathy as he […]

By rogerkallen

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Can You And Your Partner Approach Life As a Team?

Can You And Your Partner Approach Life As a Team?

“I feel small admitting this, Charlie, but the truth is, I resented you – your money, your power, your prominence.”  Hal wondered if he should proceed so openly. But if I don’t, we’re still playing games.  It’s risky, but it’s the only way we’ll get to bedrock. Charlie scoffed.  “Your attitude put me off, to […]

By rogerkallen

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Let’s Take a Look at the Rest of the Team!

Let’s Take a Look at the Rest of the Team!

The First Theory of Relativity, according to Chloe in the movie You Can Choose Your Friends, “states that time moves more slowly when you spend it with relatives . . . And the Second Theory of Relativity is that time spent with your family and time spent in the real world move at different speeds.  […]

By rogerkallen

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Who’s Your Travel Partner?

Who’s Your Travel Partner?

Whether you consider your marriage strong or weak, you can only benefit from strengthening it.  Yesterday  you did a self-assessment.  Now let’s take a look at the triad that is your marriage – you, your partner, and the unique team that the two of you form together.   Let’s begin with a little quiz.  You can […]

By rogerkallen

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Can Your Family Handle Conflict?

Can Your Family Handle Conflict?

A and B gossip about C behind her back, then compliment her to her face.  D tries to form an alliance with E, who is secretly allied with both A and L and F and M.  F tells M what E told him, but with just a little twist, while E confesses to B that […]

By rogerkallen

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