
Empowering people to make strengthening choices

Recovering From a High School Shooting

Recovering From a High School Shooting

A sad story in modern life, at least in America, are all of the mass shootings in our public schools. As a psychologist I worked with students and their families who were directly affected by two different shootings. This is a story of how one young man recovered from a high school shooting. A Wonderful […]

By rogerkallen

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Do You Blame When Things Go Wrong?

Do You Blame When Things Go Wrong?

Imagine that you are driving home from work the last day before your big vacation. All you have been able to think about for the last week is your ten-day Mediterranean cruise to all those places you have long wanted to visit. You can hardly wait to get home and do your final preparations before […]

By rogerkallen

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How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

How to Be Less Emotionally Reactive

Hello my friend, Today, I want to talk about a reactive mindset. I know from my own experience as well as working with thousands of people that it is easy to be reactive. By reactive I mean we let events, circumstances, and other people determine our feelings and/or actions and then we act in ways […]

By rogerkallen

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Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression

Depression can occur to anyone, at any age, gender, race or ethnic and socio-economic background. It affects more people and causes more suffering than any other illness—physical or mental—known to humankind. Not only does depression squeeze the joy of life out of us, but it decreases our ability to function and leads to a variety of other emotional and physical problems.

By rogerkallen

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Oh Well! supporting myself no matter what

Oh Well! supporting myself no matter what

It's good to come from oh well. We do our best, knowing it falls short. Yet we can still decide to support ourselves no matter what.

By rogerkallen

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Which Wolf are You Feeding?

Which Wolf are You Feeding?

The fight between evil and good is going on inside each of us. Which wins will be determined by the one you feed.

By rogerkallen

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How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk

Each one of us talks to ourselves much of the time. Not only does this self-talk determine our moods and behavior, they literally become self-fulfilling prophecies and eventually define our reality.

By rogerkallen

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Self-Talk: A Powerful Antidote to What Ails You

Self-Talk: A Powerful Antidote to What Ails You

The way that we talk to ourselves is a powerful determiner of our moods and behavior. Our self-talk literally becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and eventually our reality.

By rogerkallen

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